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Material delivery logistics software for dispatching haulers, monitoring material delivery, optimizing plant efficiency, E-ticketing, and customer engagement

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Tons Delivered


Loads Delivered




  • Drag and drop hauler dispatching, load stacking, and reassignment

  • Automated load planning tools that calculate exactly how many loads and trucks you need to fulfill each order

  • See which haulers are fully-utilized, unscheduled,  or have pending requests

  • Automatically communicate job details and alert haulers to changes, and updates

  • Monitor load-level delivery progress and make adjustments in real-time throughout the day to keep things on schedule

  • Hauler monitoring and communication tools to track delivery progress and automatically communicate changes throughout the day

Screenshot of Trux dispatch dashboard showing dispatch orders and real-time data for trucking operations. Displays planned, ticketed, and delivered tons, completion percentage, and active fleet drivers. Features include order details, fleet status, and progress tracking for limestone deliveries.




  • See where all of your active haulers are, in real-time, relative to the plant, the job site, and all geofences

  • See full, time-stamped hauler route history for all completed loads

  • See where and when haulers punched in, punched out, and all geofence arrival/departure points

  • View and analyze hauler and job site cycle times to monitor performance and identify bottlenecks

INFOGRAPHIC: The Importance of Tracking Third Party Haulers And How To Do It Right ->

The image shows a Trux GPS tracking screen with active drivers, including Tracey Rocker, Bo Nix, and Travis Owens. It features real-time driver locations on a map, a "History Map" showing routes, and a "Trucker Cycle Report" for Travis Owens, detailing times at job sites, plants, and in transit.


  • View and manage all material deliveries by planned and adjusted load time

  • Know exactly when each truck arrived at and departed from the plant and job site for every load.

  • View truck ETA and wait times at the plant and job site.

  • Easily identify and assign available haulers to unscheduled loads

Screenshot of Trux Materials "Plant Loads" dashboard for Waltham HMA. Shows tons per hour, active haulers, and shipment details, including planned load times, job types, hauler ETAs, and truck IDs. Data tracks progress towards plant material goals with 80 shipped loads and 28 remaining loads.



  • Eliminate payment and invoicing delays caused by lost or damaged paper load slips

  • Access load slips electronically throughout the day as loads are completed

  • View and export all scale data for easy job cost and hauler pay reconciliation

  • Manage the gap between Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

Screenshot of a Trux "E-Ticket" showing detailed delivery information. Includes date, time, plant location, driver details, material type, gross and net weights, and customer information. Load ticket is downloadable, and order progress is tracked on the dashboard.




  • Order confirmation, Delivery Tracker, delivery confirmation, and dispatch summary communication tools

  • Access E-Tickets and scale ticket data for all completed loads

  • Hourly delivery velocity and job site cycle time metrics

  • 1-tap access to call Dispatch and reorder additional materials

INFOGRAPHIC: Which Customer Experience Would Your Customers Prefer? ->

Screenshot of Trux Delivery Tracker showing tons delivered, delivery velocity, truck location, and ETA. Includes individual load details with tonnage, driver information, and an electronic load ticket. Features options to add comments, reject loads, or download e-tickets.



Screenshot of Trux "Get Trucks" screen for a Fenway Park paving project. Shows steps for booking trucks, including setting start location, end location, material type, number of trucks, rates, and shift instructions. Confirmation screen displays tri-axle trucks and estimated costs.


Expand Your Hauling Supply

  • Expand your trucking pool with confidence and without hassle

  • Post your jobs on the Marketplace and receive confirmation when they've been claimed by haulers

  • Communication tools that automatically notify haulers when work is available and when it's time to begin their shift

  • Build consistent working relationships with 3rd party haulers

EBOOK: The Ultimate Guide To Finding Haulers - >


Which Trux package is right for you?

Materials Materials for Aggregates Materials for HMA
Digital material delivery dispatch, order tracking, and customer communication.

Aggregate delivery logistics to optimize delivery capacity, utilization, and throughput.

Asphalt delivery logistics to manage the flow of trucks and material at the plant, at the job site/paver, and everywhere in between.

Digital Dispatch
Digital Dispatch for employed/owned trucks, 3rd-party regular trucks, and 3rd-party trucks from the Trux Marketplace
Load Stacking
Schedule trucks for multiple deliveries/loads ahead of time without the need for manual communication with the driver. Shift and reorder loads throughout the day.
Hauler Utilization
Monitor what percentage of a hauler's available schedule has been completed, is assigned, and is available throughout the day.
Trux Drive
Hauler mobile app for assigning, finding, accepting, claiming, and completing work and communicating with haulers.
Hauler Communication
Automated assignment, and cancelation, and hauler acceptance notifications. Punch-in, next load, last load, and re-assignment alerts. Individual and bulk hauler messaging and in-app chat.
GPS Tracking
Real-time and historical hauler route tracking
Trux Marketplace
Find more trucks form the nation's largest marketplace of verified, 3rd party haulers
Trux Pay
3rd party hauler payment processing
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Trux Compliance
Trux-validated hauler COI, W-9, Prevailing Wage, US DOT and Motor Carrier Number validation.
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Included w/ Marketplace, Add-on for other 3rd party haulers
Trux Advanced Compliance
Prevailing Wage document management, DBE, US DOT and Motor Carrier Number validation.
Order Confirmation
Automated customer order communication via email and/or SMS including order details (material, quantity, velocity, start/end time, and delivery location)
Trux-Branded included
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Trux Delivery Tracker
Automated customer tracking of every truck, driver, load, and quantity between the plant and the job site. Material delivery velocity and job site cycle time analytics. Reorder materials directly from the Tracker.
Trux-Branded included
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Delivery Confirmation
Automated, post-order delivery customer email with delivery confirmation and scale ticket data for every completed load.
Trux-Branded included
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Trux-Branded included, Customer-Branded Add-on
Electronic tickets containing all scale and delivery data for every completed load.
Plant Management
View and manage the flow of all trucks at the plant/origination in real time.
Load Auto-Complete
Automatic load complete based on truck proximity to the paver and/or milling machine geofence.
Flexible Assignment
Permit dispatchers to stack loads within assignments with other loads from other assignments. Shift and reorder loads throughout the day.
Sales Order APIs
Standard API integration with your Sales Order system to push sales orders into Trux.
Dispatch Order APIs
Standard API integration with your Sales Order system to push dispatch orders back into your system from Trux.
Scale System APIs
Standard API integration with your scale ticket system.
Trux Reporting
Transactional reports accessible via the Trux Platform.
Trux Insights
Analytics as a Service
Ticket Transcription
Paper to digital ticket transcription.
Deployment services, onsite and remote, dispatching services
14 business hrs, 5 days/week, 24/7 online documentation, FAQs, and how-to videos


Because we use Trux, I know that I'll be able to meet our customers’ demands and I don't necessarily need to know how many trucks are available to me at that moment.
Mike Gagne
Dispatcher, Benevento Asphalt
Trux has been most helpful to us in dispatching fleets of trucks. With one single stroke of the keyboard, we can request and receive a sufficient number of trucking for our projects.
Chris Lynch
President, Lawrence-Lynch Corp
With a quick phone call and a two second process with Trux, we added an additional $4,000 to our bottom line in a single day on a job we wouldn't have done before.
Mark Peach
Vice President, Benevento Asphalt
Before using Trux it could take hours calling and waiting for calls back from other companies to see if they had available trucks.
Lincoln Dunlap
Operations Manager, T&K Asphalt
Trux is so easy to work with. There's nothing crazy about it. Everything is right there in front of you, so it was easy to just take it and run with it.
Ashly Bollman
Dispatcher, 3531 Trucking, Inc.
Finding reliable haulers is a challenge. It takes a while to find the right fit and the paperwork to get them on board can take a week. About 50% of the time, the hauler doesn’t even take the time to fill it out. Trux has changed that for us.
Tony Cobb
Project Manager, Pavecon
We save time using Trux to recruit and schedule haulers instead of making manual phone calls. And we don’t have to be involved directly with insurance which saves us from doing all of the paperwork to get them on board.
Brandy Asermely
Senior Account Manager, Case Facilities Management Solutions

Looking for help with your dump truck logistics?

Improve scheduling, hauler tracking, and customer loyalty with Trux's software for trucking.